nuestra HIstoria
Our story starts when the stars and cosmos were the artists of infinite times. In our humble beginnings, all Anias (Worlds) were open to all of Creation. The Hiaki Yoeme were gifted the fertile lands by the waters of the river (Hiail Vatwe), now known as Rio Yaqui Sonora. There were once twelve distinct Yoeme Pueblos, which then became eight, due to a great flood of the river. Our people have always been and continue to be stewards of the earth, as well as natural ecologists. We have always maintained a harmonic relationship with the natural world.
We gather our medicines as we gather our foods; growing, assisting and maintaining life throughout the land. Our umbilical cord remains forever connected. The seed is in our DNA; woven in our soul tapestry like our tunya and pitahaya; rooted deep to the centers of the earth, like our willow trees and mesquites, which are inherently sacred.
So it is with this generational traditional plant knowledge and earth medicine, we decided to create hand-made soaps, to extend our family gifts to you and yours. We are forever grateful to our ancestors, especially to my great-grandmother Josefina Flores Estrella for being guerrillera, surviving war, and making the long journey through the Sierras that would forever change our family’s lives and my grandmother Felicitas Isabel Flores for her learned teachings, knowledge and relentless strength and endurance, for we would not otherwise be here.
This is for all the Dreamers, Warriors, Matriarchs and Mujeres Guerreras in my family and yours, who continue to forge forward into the future, passing the torch to our next generation. Thank You. Blessings.